By David Ernenwein | 02/06/2025

January '25 Metagame Update: Reenergized

Despite new decks arising to challenge them, the preban standbys continue to define Modern. New engine cards from Aetherdrift may be enough to dethrone them.
By David Ernenwein | 01/06/2025
With The One Ring banned and Energy nerfed, Modern is in an experimental phase. However, the data doesn't reflect this due to MTGO being the only data source.
By David Ernenwein | 12/09/2024
The Modern Metagame has entered its final form. There is little doubt that bans are inbound. The question is which top decks will be hit, and which survive.
By David Ernenwein | 11/05/2024
The Modern RCQ season is ending, and its conclusions conflict with the online results. Boros Energy is defining the metagame, but it might not for much longer.
By David Ernenwein | 10/09/2024
As expected, Energy decks moved to the top of Modern's metagame in September. However, players are beginning to adapt and adjust their decks to compensate.
By David Ernenwein | 08/30/2024
Nadu richly deserved to be banned, and the August metagame data proves it. However, Grief is a more speculative ban but will cause a stronger metagame shift.
By David Ernenwein | 08/10/2024
Nadu Breakfast is confirmed as a Tier 1 deck. Sorta. Magic Online never behaves as expected. However, the metagame's direction is quite clear. August 26 looms.
By David Ernenwein | 07/12/2024
Modern Horizons 3 has released and the metagame has dramatically shifted. There's a large problem looming over Modern, but the metagame is looking healthy.
By David Ernenwein | 06/06/2024
With Modern Horizons 3 near, the Modern metagame is holding its breath. Players are choosing to play established decks and coast to the metagame's finish.
By David Ernenwein | 05/09/2024
Modern's metagame has fallen back on old favorites. With Modern Horizons 3 coming soon, players are holding their breath for the new shakeup. The data is clear.
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